This series of trainings is designed for all parents who are struggling with the many stressors that the novel coronavirus has thrust upon us. Juggling multiple new roles, managing the fears and frustrations of our children, and keeping ourselves centered amid the chaos and uncertainty of a global pandemic are daunting tasks.
Based on the science of Resilience, Emotional Agility and Mindfulness, this interactive series will provide parents with the tools to care for their own physical, emotional, and mental well-being and enhance the functioning of the entire family system, while proactively adjusting to the constant changes surrounding the COVID crisis.
Sessions are $25 each. Note that you must register separately for each date.
1. Finding the Sunshine in a Pandemic Summer
With school out and many traditional seasonal activities closed or restricted, keeping your child’s mind and body occupied while adhering to COVID safety restrictions will be especially challenging. A daily routine is the framework that will establish the basis of psychological safety for our children. At the same time, providing moments of spontaneity and choice is equally important. In this module we will share resources for healthy and stimulating daily activities to help families survive and thrive during the long months ahead. Meets June 24, 2020 from 1:00pm–2:00pm.
2. Care for the Caregiver
Taking care of ourselves is one of the most valuable ways we can be a good parent, and this is especially true during times of stress. Being there for our children requires that we first examine and acknowledge our own feelings about the virus and how it has impacted our lives. This first session will examine the risk factors and warning signs of parental burnout, offering concrete guidance in protecting our own emotional well-being based upon the practice of Mindfulness and the principles of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. Meets July 1, 2020 from 1:00pm–2:00pm.
3. Supporting Our Children Through COVID
Children have their own strong feelings about being thrust into a situation in which their lives have been upended. This module will explore ways to talk to your children about the virus from a developmental perspective, balancing judicious transparency with reassurance and safety. Positive Parenting techniques will be presented to help parents regulate their children’s emotional responses and fears during this stressful time. Meets July 8, 2020 from 1:00pm–2:00pm.
4. Adaptability and Flexibility
While it is human nature to crave certainty and consistency, the reality of life is that much of it is largely out of our control. In fact, evolution has demonstrated that the most successful species continually adapt to the ever-changing demands of their environments. Based upon the groundbreaking science of Emotional Agility, this module will present parents with adaptive strategies to manage the COVID crisis while enhancing the resilience of the entire family system. Meets July 15, 2020 from 1:00pm–2:00pm.
5. Special Considerations for Special Situations
While all children are struggling to adapt to the loss of their daily routines and the support of their educational, recreational, and social systems, children with special vulnerabilities need extra help. All children will have times when the pressure becomes overwhelming. This module will focus on understanding your own child’s unique strengths and needs, including children with anxiety and/or on the autism spectrum. We will offer strategies to help them navigate the disruption of COVID-19 and in the process, improving their ability to manage adversity and frustration. Meets July 22, 2020 from 1:00pm–2:00pm.